Sudo rmmod xpad # unload module if already loadedĬonnect now your game controller to your PC via USB (wired) or connect your XBOX 360 PC wireless gaming receiver for your wireless controller, then run this command to start the configuration: jstest-gtk You also need to ensure that xpad is not getting loaded: echo 'blacklist xpad' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nf Open the terminal and run this command: sudo apt-get install -install-recommends jstest* joystick xboxdrv To be able to use your Xbox 360 wired/wireless controller under Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), you need first to install some required packages.
These instructions are workable for both wired or wireless X-Box 360 controllers.
If you find difficulties running your XBOX 360 controller, then this will help you install it on a computer running Ubuntu, and also show you how to configure it.